Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Man Spider

So Spiderman 3 was on Sunday whilst I was doing homework and it made me remember how it could've been amazing...yet ultimately was not

It is by no means the worst movie ever created, but when compared to Spiderman 2 it just wasn't nearly as good.

Fixing the movie would actually be pretty simple.

1) Lose one of the villains: There was way too much going on and none of them had time to be properly developed. I think having Harry's goblin is a good way to end the trilogy so keep him in the mix but lose either Sandman or Venom.

Sandman is a cool character (Thomas Hayden Church did well with what he was given) and the special effects were great but having him revealed as the real Uncle Ben killer was stupid. I think ultimately you go with Venom and use a different actor than Topher Grace. Getting rid of Sandman would allow them to build up a better backstory for Eddie Brock.

2) The symbiote suit does not come off! This seriously bugged me. The scene in the church with him trying to tear off the suit was well done (just like in the animated series from the 90s) but doesn't really make sense when you having him take it on and off like his normal spidey outfit.

3) Keep the slowing getting evil/lose the emo hair and bar dance scene: Nuff said.

Do these things and it will be a better movie.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Mac Steam!

Thank you Gabe!

Valve announced that they are bringing the Steam system over to Mac's (and along with it Left 4 Dead, Team Fortress and more) and all future Valve games will be simultaneously released for PC and Mac (so if Half Life Episode 3 ever happens....bonus).

Also any game that was purchased for PC and is available for Mac will be free to download (so no having to rebuy TF2) and both PC and Mac games will communicate and compete in the same realm.

This makes me quite happy since I won't have to boot windows on my Mac ever again. Plus while someday I will build a new PC so I can play computer games again...this helps delay me having to do that (with TF2 and Starcraft 2 I should be set computer gaming wise for awhile).

Plus maybe more companies will bring games over faster with this delivery system established?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

3D Movies: The New Fad

It looks like Alice in Wonderland took in over $100 Million this weekend, of which a large percentage likely came from 3D screens. Just a couple years ago, 3D movies were occasionally released and were typically CGI cartoon films. Movie theaters with 3D capability were relatively uncommon.....

Now however a great majority of movie theaters have at least one 3D screen. On top of that more and more movies are being filmed and released in 3D. Avatar's huge success has made certain the future of cinema will include 3D. No longer is it a gimmick in cartoon films now all film studios are going to consider releasing their movie in 3D.

Months ago, before Avatar was released, Guillero Del Toro blogged that there was no way he would film his Hobbit films in 3D. Yet earlier this week I saw in the news that the studio is pressuring for it to be added.

Later this fall television makers will start releasing 3D televisions for purchase. In anticipation of this already multiple networks have stated they will have programming in 3D and perhaps even 3D only channels. The televisions will require you to wear 3D glasses at home...


I have enjoyed some 3D films in the past (the Michael Jackson, Muppets, and Terminator 2 3D all from theme parks come to mind), and even enjoyed seeing Avatar in 3D. However I would've felt the same about the film even if it wasn't in 3D. It all feels like such a gimmick to me and unfortunately one that is becoming more prevalent. There is no way I will purchase a 3D television. Sitting wearing the glasses on my couch has no appeal

What bothers me most is that the 3D is hardly ever "cool". Oo some plants have dimension. Wow. One comedian joked that he can see in 3D everyday, and does not need to see it on a movie screen. It is just an excuse to charge me extra money for an already expensive ticket. It doesn't make me feel more involved in the film.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Which movie to watch?

I am sitting here looking at the movies for rent in itunes and unable to make a decision. Any suggestions for a movie? Perhaps something older? Classic?

Also Hook is on tv right now.....Ru fi oooooooooo

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Mass Effect 2 & Shutter Island

First off: Mass Effect 2 is epic.

The graphics are better, the characters are better, and the missions are better. While I still would like some of the micro-managing of gear and the ability to drive the Mako.... it is a great game. Strongly recommend playing this game even if you don't like rpgs as it plays more like gears of war than it does fallout.

Shutter Island: Decent
I bought the book on my way back from Vegas last weekend and read it on the plane/this weekend and it made we want to see the movie...so that's saying something right?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

C Dub's Film Update: January 2010

I have been tracking and rating the movies I have been watching since the start of the year. Some old, some new. Here are the scores I would give them. I have seen many of them before, so I marked my first viewings of them with a (1st). The ratings are out of 5 stars.

3 - Curious Case of Benjamin Button (1st)        
[Too long, pointless scenes, tries too hard]

5 - Monsters, Inc.
[Entertaining all the way through. Acting carries the movie]

4.5 - Up!:
[Good, but I think the last 1/3 lacks the storytelling of the first 2/3]

4.5 - The Hangover 
[Good pacing and Humor. Hilarious. Must see]

4 - Sunshine (1st)
[Gripping sci-fi thriller with breathtaking effects and cinematography]

4.5 - Avatar (1st)
[More experience than movie. Predictable, but enjoyed every minute]

3.5 - Public Enemies (1st)
[A bit too long. 2.5 or 3 stars without Depp's performance]

4.5 - Princess & the Frog (1st)  
[I'd compare it to Aladdin. Classic Disney]

4.5 - Star Trek
[Great reboot to the series, no prior knowledge needed]

5 - Fight Club  
[One of my all time favorites]

4 - Requiem for a Dream (1st)  
[Enjoyed it. I was expecting weird, and it delivered on that]

4.5 - Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (1st)
[Way funnier than I expected. Worth a watch]

4.5 - District 9  
[I actually enjoyed this more the second time]

4 - Princess Bride
[The writing and acting in this movie are classic]

4 - What About Bob?
[Made by the performances of Dreyfuss and Murray]

4 - O, Brother Where Art Thou?
[Enjoyable throughout. Good story, acting, & music]

Some movies that I will be checking out for some first time viewings in the next few weeks are Tekkonkinkreet, Taking of Pelham 123, Zodiac, Traffic, The Ten Commandments and The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wasteful spending

The careless part of my brain tells me I should buy this version of Mass Effect 2 because the cover is way cooler than this one.

Who wins out? Probably the part of the brain that tells me to wait till this game is 20-30 bucks.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Airline restrictions

I know that it is fairly common knowledge that mp3 players do not disrupt airplane navigation systems or communications yet they still require them to be off until 30,000 ft. Gizmodo recently had an article showing that this practice is nonsense. I agree that everyone should pay attention to the safety announcements but then I think I should have every right to listen to music for takeoff (and have done so many times).

In other news Arkham Asylum 2 was announced. Very excited for this. That game is probably tied for Uncharted 2 for my game of the year.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Atlas may have shrugged...

...but Prince and Co. push like mad. Granted, it hasn't been a huge blockbuster like CoD:MW2 or Assassins Creed 2, this slightly overdue review of Katamari Forever is much deserved as the game is equally addicting as those mentioned formerly.
This is the latest installment of the Katamari franchise and is one that, despite the fact it is mostly the same basic game as each of the other releases, this game has kept my interest highly. For those unfamiliar with the franchise, you play as Prince (or as one of his cousins) as you roll your katamari all over the world, picking up things smaller than you as you grow until you can eventually roll up everything. Naturally, Godzilla and other monsters also possible prey for your unstoppable katamari. The point is simple: make the biggest possible Katamari so the King of the Cosmos can remake the stars/planets he knocked out of the heavens accidentally. If that sounds like a children's story on acid, just wait til you play it.

Overview aside, if you've ever played a previous game, you'll probably recognize a lot of levels that have been repeated in this edition (underwater, classroom, etc). However, there are some new gameplay types (water the desert) and new levels (roll up the Roboking's Core) keep an otherwise repetitive game interesting for hours of (re)playability. Also, after completing the game a first time through, the game opens up a new game style that allows you to replay the whole game over again without feeling bored. I definitely played it multiple times through before even realizing what I had done.

If you're into "arcade-y" style games and have never rolled a Katamari before, check out the demo. If you've liked games in the past, consider picking up the latest and greatest. You will not regret it, as long as you allow some absolutely ridiculous cinematics and overall gameplay.